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Common Workshop of Rüber, Stöcker, and Reuter Groups

Together with the MR-physics group of Professor Tony Stöcker and the Medical-Image-Analysis group of Professor Martin Reuter from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the Translational Neuroimaging Group has co-organized the “Workshop on MRI Acquisition and Analysis Methods for Epilepsy Research”. It took place from September 25th to 27th in Steinfeld in the Eifel mountains. The idea of this workshop was to establish new cooperations, which span from the level of the proton, over the field of advanced image analysis, to diagnostic MR-images of epilepsy patients. A lot of common projects have evolved from the days in Steinfeld, including projects in the ultra-high field, and there was also some time to taste the delicious Klosterbier.


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