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Transdisciplinary Research Award for Thomas Schultz and Theodor Rüber

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schultz from the Institute II for Computer Science at the University of Bonn and Theodor have jointly been awarded the Transdisciplinary Research Prize "Modelling for Life and Health".

The Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) "Modeling" and "Life & Health" at the University of Bonn aim to promote highly innovative, transdisciplinary research projects that address new and relevant questions at the interface between mathematics or computer science and the research topics of "Life and Health" or aim to develop new tools that push the boundaries of existing research questions in this area.

The innovative and interdisciplinary nature of the project submitted for application was the most important requirement for funding. Thomas Schultz and Theodor Rüber's project "Parcellation-free modeling of brain networks for presurgical evaluation of people with epilepsy" will attempt to identify epileptic networks using innovative imaging methods. It is their hope that this will lead to improved presurgical diagnosis for people with epilepsy who qualify for epilepsy surgery. The prize money is 120,000€ and Thomas and Theodor will advertise a PhD position for it.


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